Saturday, June 4, 2011

Homegrown Goodness

One thing that I absolutely love is gardening and even though I don't have my own yard to turn into a veggie, herb and flower filled wonderland, my parents have been more than willing to let me inspire some of their landscaping adventures. Last year we put in a large raised bed and were so excited about our bounty of zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and jalapenos. In fact here is a picture of some of last years harvest:
I moved away for a while and my parents kept it going (when seasons allowed) and this year after moving back in I came home from a weekend away to two more raised beds! This years harvest has already produced a ridiculous amount of lettuce and now that lettuce season is over we have replaced it with herbs that I am so excited for! We have also planted 6 different types of tomatoes (given the amount that we had from 4 plants last year I have a feeling our diet will be tomato based for a while), zucchini, crook-neck squash, cucumbers, eggplant, snap peas, cantaloupe, jalapenos, peppers, green onions, radishes, and as I have mentioned, herbs (I think Parsley, Cilantro and Basil). 
 We spread marigolds around the plants to keep pests away.
I am most excited for the cucumber, we planted it last year but didn't give it enough room and the zucchini plant quickly killed it off, but this year it has more than ample space to produce my favorite veggie!
The garden is completely organic and so far the marigolds, ladybugs (you can buy them at most gardening stores), and neighborhood birds have been more than sufficient at keeping pests away. We planted them in organic compost and have had no issues with weeds or lack of nutrition.
It is such a rewarding feeling to grow your own food and it is also so cost effective, once ready for harvest this garden will keep our grocery bill way down!

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